February 2017 Quarterly Meeting
25 Years and Going Strong
Do you know why April 1992, is a significant date in Ozaukee County history? Twenty-five years ago that month, Nina Walker and Judy Johnson started the Ozaukee County Jail Literacy Program. It began with two women with a vision, and the volunteerism to make it a reality. The Program operates out of the Ozaukee County Jail and provides educational opportunities to incarcerated adults. The Ozaukee County Jail Literacy Program accomplishes this by offering basic literacy services and all the components needed to earn either a GED or HSED. In addition, they offer Life Skills classes, Computer classes, Financial Literacy classes, Art workshops and Job Readiness preparation.
How do they do all this? Attend their presentation and find out. You’ll hear from some of the Program’s teachers, as well as from the Sheriff’s Department and others. You’ll also learn how this organization and its efforts have helped improve some of the lives of the student inmates involved, given them hope and helped provide a future they never thought was possible.
Note: The Ozaukee County Historical Society is pleased to be able to work together with another Ozaukee County organization to make this public presentation possible.