May 2017 Quarterly Meeting
Saving The Secrets Of The Deep
Bring your curiosity and your questions along to our upcoming OCHS Quarterly Meeting as we learn about the ships that lie in the water along the coast of Lake Michigan from Ozaukee County to Manitowoc County, and the proposed national marine sanctuary being considered for that area. In 2014, the State of Wisconsin and several communities along the mid Lake Michigan shoreline nominated an area of Lake Michigan for consideration as a national marine sanctuary. The proposed 1,075-square-mile sanctuary would protect 37 shipwrecks and related underwater cultural resources that possess exceptional historic, archaeological and recreational value. This Wisconsin-Lake Michigan National Marine Sanctuary would also enhance heritage tourism within the many coastal communities that have embraced their centuries-long maritime relationship with Lake Michigan, the Great Lakes region and the nation.
Russ Green, our speaker for the evening, is a maritime archaeologist and deputy superintendent at the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Alpena, Michigan, and is currently working on a national marine sanctuary designation for Wisconsin’s mid Lake Michigan coast.