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Jackson County - Shari Marg

Shari Marg has been Register of Deeds for Jackson County since 1993. Shari has hosted The Wisconsin Register of Deeds seminar and also the WACO (Wisconsin Association of County Officers) seminar. She is a member of the Education and Vitals committee for the Register of Deeds Association.


A lifelong resident of Jackson County, Shari and her husband Steve have two daughters and four grandchildren. Her family is very involved in horses and their weekends are usually spent at horse shows or horse sales. She enjoys spoiling her four grandchildren and spending time with her family.

Office Address

307 Main St. Black
River Falls, WI 54615


Office hours: 8:00 - 4:30
Telephone: 715-284-0205

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About the Register of  Deeds Office

Since Shari has taken office we have gone to a modern mode of indexing and imaging. Our office is responsible for accurate and timely recording of all real estate documents pertaining to Jackson County. It is our duty to maintain legible and accurate records. Not only in real estate records but also in vital records. Our office files all birth, death, marriage and military discharges that occur in Jackson County.


We assist the public in locating records they are looking for and keep those records preserved for their duration.

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